Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Analysis and Examples of Three Figure of Speech (Simile, Personification, and Hyperbole) from The Novel "The Mortal Instruments City of Ashes" by Cassandra Clare

  • Simile

Simile is an explicit comparison, it means that it implies something to one another directly, that it why, it needs effort to show explicitly the similarity. Which are: seperti, sama, sebagai, bagaikan, laksana, and etc. This is the explanation written by the writer to describe each statement that indicates simile.
1.      Bintang-bintang perak tertatah dilantai seperti taburan kertas.
The sentence above issimile because in the sentence there is a word “seperti” which has the function as a comparison. The comparison is between “bintang-bintang perak” with “taburan kertas”. The first statement describes the second statement, the point of similarity between “bintang-bintang perak” and “taburan kertas” is stars in the sky looks small as the papers sowing.
2.      Sang Inkuisitor menghampiri Jace, jubahnya berayun-ayun di sekelilingnya seperti asap yang melayang
The sentence above is simile because it has a comparison of two things .The comparison is between “jubahnya berayun-ayun” with “asap yang melayang”. The first statement describes the second statement, and the description of the both statements above marked with the word “seperti”. So the similarity of “jubahnya berayun-ayun” and “asap yang melayang” is they are all moving around.

  • Personification

Personification is a part of figure of speech that denotes inanimate object that can do something as well as a human being. The writer explains some figures of speech below.
1.      Bau abu asap menggelayut  berat di udara, tidak asing baginya dari kali terakhir dia kesini tetapi ada sesuatu yang lain di bawah bau-bau itu.
The sentence above is personification because as inanimate object but seems to be living. “bau” is something invisible but it can be felt by smelling. In this context “bau” seems to be hanging (menggelayut) as if it is an animate.
2.      Dia masih berdiri didepan pentagram diam mematung kecuali sayap-sayapnya yang memukul udara perlahan.
The sentence above is personification because as inanimate objects that seems to be living. In the reality wings can only to use for fly an object but in this context wings can hit something like a human. The act of wings hitting something is categorized as personification.

  • Hyperbole

In hyperbole a statement is made emphatic by overstatement. That means some word which used in a novel is overstatement from the true meaning. Here are some example of hyperboles that written by the writer to describe them.
1.      Sebelum ada yang bisa memikirkan sesuatu untuk dikatakan, sebuah suara tajam membelah ruangan, membuat Clary terlonjak..
The sentence indicates hyperbole, it has an overstatement because the sentence cannot explain literarily “suara” in this context explain about a noisy voice.
2.      Vampire mungkin menyerangmu, kalau kau memasuki wilayahnya, tetapi peri bisa membuatmu menari sampai mati dan kakimu berubah menjadi tunggul kayu, memperdayamu agar berenang ditengah malam lalu menyeretmu ke dalam air sampai paru-parumu meledak, mengisi matamu dengan debu peri sampai kau harus mencongkel mata itu sampai ke akar.
The sentence above indicates hyperbole because there is an overstatement sentences such as “bisa membuatmu menari sampai mati”, “kakimu berubah menjadi tunggul kayu”, “memprdayamu agar berenang ditengah malam lalu menyeretmu ke dalam air sampai paru-paru meledak, mengisi matamu dengan debu peri sampai kau harus mencongkel mata itu sampai ke akar” the true meaning of the sentenceis describing how cruel fairy is.

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