Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

Kalimat Kata Kesepadanan

1.       Marry has some account in every bank.
2.       This month, Rita has outcome her money about $100.
3.       Many costumer order some demand that their needed in this year.
4.       Mother was spend a lot of cost only to bought her cosmetic.
5.       This year too many total cost that spent.
6.       The seller is getting profit in Ramadhan month.
7.       If someone gets income more than outcome, they’ll lucky.
8.       In every mall should be there’s no sales tax that  isn’t much so the costumer will be lost.
9.       In the shell there’s average cost to balance their demand.
10.   The equipment that needed everyone so useful in daily activities.

Kata Kesepadanan

1.        Account              :               Akun
2.       Outcome             :               Pengeluaran
3.       Demand               :               Permintaan
4.       Cost                       :               Biaya
5.       Total Cost            :               Biaya Total
6.       Profit                     :               Laba
7.       Income              :                 Pemasukan
8.       Sales Tax              :               Pajak Penjualan
9.       Average Cost     :               Biaya rata-rata

10.   Equipment          :               Peralatan

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Application Letters

Jakarta, May 6th, 2014
Attention To:
HRD Manager
PT. Pranata Aparatur Telatan
Jl. Raya Panglima Anti Korup No. 19
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have read from your advertisement at Republika that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am interested in applying application for assistant manager position according with my background educational as English Literature.
My name is Maria Jenny Kristanti, I am twenty two years old. I graduate yet from English  Literatures Department Gunadarma University. I consider myself that I have qualifications as you want. I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work with a team (team work) or by myself. Beside that I posses adequate computer skill and have good command in English (oral and written).
With my qualifications, I confident that I will be able to contribute effectively to your company. Herewith I enclose my :
1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate and Academic Transcript.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Copy of Job Training Certificate from Unocal Indonesia Company.
4. Recent photograph with size of 4×6
I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could follow your recruitment test luckily.

( Maria Jenny Kristanti)

Short Conversation

A : Good Morning John and Merry. Welcome to our company.
B : Good morning MR. Dudut
C : Good morning Mr. Dudut thank you for inviting us to be here.
A : You’re welcome. Let’s discuss about our meeting here. First I want to tell you about our plan to design our new advertisement for our new product. Your company and my company will work together and I hope this will be a great project for us.
C : yeah we agree to taken contract with you.
B : what about the budget sir? We need much money.
A : don’t worry because we have many sponsor to support us,
C  : we glad to hear that sir. Would you tell us about the detail of the product?
A : The product is an energy drink for world cup 2014. FIFA believe in us to make the best energy drink for football player in world cup. I have so many specialist people to work in this drink. They know about the good composition for the drink.
B : our company will help to make the logo and design the logo so the player can bring it anywhere easily.
C : I will make the proposal for all  sponsor.
A : That would be good J . Second we have to prepare for the launching of our product. Make an invitation if the sponsor agree to help us and working together with us.
B: I hope everything will going alright sir. Because next month the world cup will be occur in Brazil.
A : we need to work fast as soon as possible. I took this responsibility and I’m sure we can do it. Two company work together is good better than one company working alone. I believe in both of you.
B and C : yes we can do it sir.
B : when we got back from this meeting we will tell the director and the manager about the plan.
A : Okay, I think that’s enough for today. I will contact you as soon as possible. Keep in touch. Thank you for coming.
B and C : You’re welcome sir.

Kalimat dari Kata Kesepadanan

1.       The company need more budget for making a new product.
2.       They buy the holdings to win the tender.
3.       This shop have so many consumer that buy their product
4.       The cost of one advertisement is $1000
5.       The currency of rupiah is decrease
6.       Brazil export their coffee seed to all over the world
7.       Indonesia importing soy bean from America
8.       Textile factory need many labor to do their work.
9.       The manager of the company lead the company with his full responsibility
10.   Time is money for some businesspeople.

Kata Kesepadanan

1.       Budget                 :               Anggaran
2.       Buy                        :               Membeli
3.       Consumer           :               Konsumen
4.       Cost                       :               Biaya
5.       Currency              :               Mata Uang
6.       Export                   :               Ekspor
7.       Import                  :               Impor
8.       Labor                     :               Tenaga Kerja
9.       Lead                      :               Memimpin
10.   Money                 :               Uang

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details

Full Name
Place, Date of Birth
Marital Status
Height, Weight
: Maria Jenny Kristanti
: Female
: Jakarta, April 25, 1992
: Indonesia
: Single
: 160 cm, 75 kg
: Perfect
: Catholic
:Jl Durian Gg H Pondoh No 69 RT 005/004 Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
: 085712267284
: 021-20197616
: mariajenny92@gmail.com

Educational Background

1997 - 1998
1998 - 2004
2004 - 2008
2008 - 2011
2011- now

: Materdei Kindergarten, Pamulang
: Materdai Elementary School, Pamulang
: Strada Marga Mulia Junior High School,     Jakarta Selatan
: Kharismawita Senior High School, Jakarta Selatan
: English Literatur Department at Gunadarma University, Depok

  1. Write and speak in English so well
  2. Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).
  3. Internet Literate.

Jakarta, May 6th , 2014

Maria Jenny Kristanti